Spring 2017 Hydrant Flushing

The Maple Shade Utilities staff will be performing the Spring 2017 hydrant flushing program beginning the evening of Sunday, April 16th and will continue flushing each night through Friday, April 21st.  No flushing will be performed on Saturday, April 22nd.  The flushing will be done between the hours of 10 p.m. and 6 a.m.  The flushing is done per NJDEP requirements on a semi-annual basis to improve water age and remove solids that can accumulate within a water distribution system.  This activity can result in “brown water” conditions during the flushing activity.  We understand this has been an issue in Maple Shade and we are continuing to work on a long-term solution. However, the water is no less safe to use or drink during this time.  The flushing activities are performed to improve overall water quality.  In the mornings after flushing has occurred, allow your cold water to run until any discoloration is no longer present. We understand the inconvenience this can cause and thank you for your patience as we work towards a better system for the residents of Maple Shade. If you have any questions, call the Water Department at 856-488-7450 or leave a message for us using this website and we will get back to you.