Maple Shade Water Department has finished with the South residential area of town for our Spring Hydrant Flushing. We are 51% complete. The picture below shows the progress of the flushing. The blue hydrants are ones that have been flushed and the red hydrants still need to be flushed. Now we will be working on the North side of town until completion. We will send out further updates as we progress.
Beginning Tuesday May 26th and continuing through the month of June, Maple Shade Utilities will be conducting our semi-annual hydrant flushing program. Hydrant flushing will take place between the hours of 10 PM to 6 AM, Sunday evening through Thursday evening.
Hydrant flushing tends to create temporary localized brown water issues while the program is in progress, however, this procedure is intended to prevent long term chronic brown water issues and improve overall water quality.
Residents are encouraged to check their water by opening the cold-water faucet prior to doing laundry while this program is in progress. Discolored water will stain clothing.
If you experience discolored water while this program is in progress:
Please run the COLD WATER ONLY until the condition clears.
Do not run any hot water until the condition clears. Running the hot water will cause discolored water to enter the water heater which will take an extended period of time to clear.
Refrain from doing laundry until the condition clears.
Since this program is being conducted during the evening hours, it will be dark and the roads will be wet, so please drive carefully when operating a vehicle near the flushing crew.
We apologize for any inconvenience as we strive to improve the overall water quality throughout the township.