2019 Fall Hydrant Flushing Update 10/21/19

Maple Shade Water Department has started week 3 of our Fall Hydrant Flushing. We are 74% complete. The picture below shows the progress of the flushing. The blue hydrants are ones that have been flushed and the red hydrants still need to be flushed. We will send out more updates as we progress.

10.21.19 Flushing Update Post.JPG

2019 Fall Hydrant Flushing Update 10/16/19

Maple Shade Water Department has finished with the South residential area of town for our Fall Hydrant Flushing. We are 52% complete. The picture below shows the progress of the flushing. The blue hydrants are ones that have been flushed and the red hydrants still need to be flushed. Now we will be working on the North side of town until completion. We will send out further updates as we progress.

10.16.19 Flushing Update Post.JPG