Maple Shade Water Department is on week 3 of our Spring Hydrant Flushing. We are about 90% complete with the flushing. The picture above shows the progress of the flushing. The blue hydrants are ones that have been flushed and the red hydrants still need to be flushed. We will send more updates as we continue with the flushing.
2019 Spring Hydrant Flushing Update 04/12/19
Maple Shade Water Department has finished week 2 of our Spring Hydrant Flushing. We are about 70% complete with the flushing. Week 3 of the flushing will begin Sunday night. The picture above shows the progress of the flushing. The blue hydrants are ones that have been flushed and the red hydrants still need to be flushed. We will send more updates as we continue with the flushing.